
class friendlysam.opt.Sum

A sum of items.

See the base class Operation for a basic description of attributes and methods.


Note that the constructor takes an iterable of arguments, just like the built-in sum() function, but the classmethod create() takes a list of arguments, as follows.

>>> x = VariableCollection('x')
>>> terms = [x(i) for i in range(4)]
>>> Sum(terms) == Sum.create(*terms)
>>> s = Sum(terms)
>>> s.evaluate(evaluators={Sum: sum})
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: sum expected at most 2 arguments, got 4
>>> s.evaluate(evaluators={Sum: lambda *args: sum(args)})
<friendlysam.opt.Add at 0x...>
Sum.create(*args) Classmethod to create a new Sum object.
Sum.evaluate([replace, evaluators]) Evaluate the expression recursively.
Sum.args This property holds the arguments of the operation.
Sum.leaves The leaves of the expression tree.
Sum.value The concrete value of the expression, if possible.
Sum.variables This property gives all leaves which are instances of Variable.